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Ultraviolet-C (UVC) Light Technology

For over 100 years man has known that certain frequencies of light (254 NM-UV-C band) disrupts the DNA of potentially harmful and irritating micro organisms in the air and kills them. UV-C systems can be installed in your home's hot air furnace/central air conditioning systems to improve the quality of air in your home. If you suffer from allergies, a UV-C system can relieve much or all of your discomfort. In addition to that, the system will accomplish the following:

  • Reduce mold and microbial growth inside the air handling system.
  • Allow your hot air heating system and central air conditioning system to run cleaner and more efficient saving you energy and money.
  • Sterilize (kill) airborne biological contaminants, viruses, bacteria, mold, and allergens as the air is circulated from your home to the air handling system (where it passes through the UV-C light) and then back to your home.

As a testiment to UV-C's effectiveness, this technology is being used in hospitals, schools, residences, offices, processing plants, public buildings and laboratories to prevent the spread of airborne infectious diseases and in some cases to disinfect items such as surgical instruments. In processing plants it is used in the food industry to sterilize food prior to packaging. Water treatment systems also use the technology as a chemical free means of purifying water.

Studies have shown that UV-C light has killed up to 90% of microbial contaminants after 10 minutes of exposure and up to 99% after one hour of exposure.

Following are photos of air handling coils. One coil is shown without a UV-C light system installed where mold growth has taken over and the other is of a coil with a UV-C light system installed showing the absence of mold growth.

Installation of the system is extremely simple. The UV-C light is installed inside your air handling system where the main blower is located. Two screws are all that are required to mount it. The air passes through this chamber where it is exposed to the light and is cleansed.

The power to the UV-C light is supplied through a 110 volt power cord which is part of the system. (Note: the photo above is for illustrative purposes only. Our system does not require the transformer shown.)

The price of the system installed is $295.00. Should you be interested in such a system for your home, please feel free to contact us for further information.

Honeywell Wi-Fi Thermostat

Honeywell Wi-Fi Thermostats allow you to remotely program your heating / air conditioning temperature settings. You can access your Honeywell Wi-Fi Thermostat via a computer, a tablet, or a smart phone. With this remote access, you can control your heating and cooling temperature with no monthly fees or set up charges. The system is programmable for 7 days per week with the ability to program different settings for different days.

This thermostat can reduce your heating and cooling costs by allowing you to set various temperature settings throughout the day. You can lower the settings when you are away from home and increase the settings prior to your return such that your home temperature is at the proper level upon your arrival.

The process to installing and using your system is very simple:
  • First we determine what type of heating system you have in your home. It can be hot water, hot air, electric, heat pump etc.
  • Then we remove your old thermostat and install the new unit. This involves some minor wiring using your existing wiring system and mounting the new thermostat in place of the old.
  • Next we enroll your system to connect to your Wi-Fi network.
  • Then we register on line for remote access to your Honeywell thermostat by going to
  • Your system is ready to use.
(203) 263-2155